Mohawk Language Learning Resources

Mohawk Language Learning Resources

Stevie Jonathan

Tehakanere Henhawk

Jersey Squire

Mohawk Language Learning Resources

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Mohawk Language Learning Resources by Six Nations Polytechnic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.



This open education resource (OER) may be used a supplementary resource to learning the Mohawk language at the beginner level. In the first part of the OER, the basic morphology, of the language is introduced through pronouns, pronoun prefixes, particles, and verb roots. The second part introduces vocabulary builders. Finally, in the third part, basic conversational language is explored.

This project is made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit: 




Pronoun Prefixes


Pronoun prefixes attach to verb roots to specify who is being discussed and what is happening to that person (blue prefixes), what that person is doing (ref prefixes), and what is happening between people (purple prefixes)The charts below are derived from studying Kanatawakhon David Maracle’s textbook, To I’i Tewaweyentehta’n Kanyen’keha (Let’s Learn Mohawk) (2014) and learning resources created by the Onkwawén:na Kentyóhkwa Adult Mohawk Language Immersion Program in Six Nations of the Grand River that follow the root word method that has set the standard for adult immersion. Read more about the effectiveness of this approach in, “The Root-Word Method for Building Proficient Second – Language Speakers of Polysynthetic Languages: Onkwawén:na Kentyóhkwa Adult Mohawk Language Immersion Program” by Tehota’kerá:tonh Jeremy Green and Owennatékha Brian Maracle (2018).













Kanyen’keha (the Mohawk language) is verb-based, like other Hodinohsó:ni languages, indicating that life is always in motion. Every word has a root word which are verbs that must be attached to the most appropriate prefix (red, blue, or purple). For example, to say I love him, I would say rinoronhkhwa. Ri- indicates ‘me to him’ and –nó:ronhkwe is the root word for love. The list below is just a brief number of verbs to describe our lives used in conjunction with pronoun prefixes and other language components indicating past, present or future tense.


to like (object) a-__-nòn:we’ne
to be called a-__-iátsheke
to know (a fact) a-__-tó:ken’se
to know (be familiar with) a-__-ientéhrha’ne
to be married a-__-niake
to have children a-__-wiraién:ta’ne
to be working a-__-ió’ten
to love a-__-nó:ronhkwe
be somewhere kak nón:we a-__-:sheke
be going a-__-e
to have something a-__-ién:take
to like the taste of a-__-é:ka’we
to be walking a-__-htén:ti
to be elder/adult aonta-__-ién:ta’ne
to be a child eksà:’a a-__-:ton
to be a person ón:kwe a-__-:ton
to be saying a-__-:ron
to write a-__-hiá:ton
tell about a-__-thrória’te
ask a-__-rihwanón:ton
ask about a-__-rihwanón:ton
tell (someone) a-__-hró:ri
be similar, look alike taons-___-tierénhake
be different, be dissimilar ta-__ttihénhake
to read a-__-wennahnó:ton
to be sick a-__-nonhwákten
be an age …naonta-__-ién:take
be about aktóntie a-__-:sheke
be passed away a-__-tohetstónhake
be dead a-__-heiónhake
be alive a-__-ónhnheke
be a non-Indigenous (White) person a-__-tientatshónhake
be an Indigenous person a-__-onkwehonwéhake
be one’s last name ta-__-hsennà:serake
be # of years old # ta-__-ohseriia’kónhake
have as a surname ta-__-hsennà:serake
to have grandchildren a-__-terè:shen
to have children (idiomatic) a-__-wiraién:ta’ne
to hate it a-__-swen
to be mother to ontate’nisténha a-__-:ton
to be father to ontate’níha a-__-:ton
to be child of ontatièn:’a a-__-:ton
to be grandchild of ontaterè:’a a-__-:ton
to be grandparent to ontatshótha a-__-:ton
to be uncle to ontatenonhà:’a a-__-:ton
to be aunt to ontate’nisténha a-__-:ton
to be younger sibling to ontate’kèn:’a a-__-:ton
to be older sibling to ontathtsì:’a a-__-:ton
to be siblings kiatate’kèn:’a a-__-:ton
to be cousins onara’sè:’a a-__-:ton
to be friends, be bf/gf atenrò:sera a-__-:ton, káskare a-__-:ton
be good friends/Indian friends watenro’serí:ios a-__-:ton
be related/relatives ontátenonhkwe a-__-:ton
in a relationship with someone a-__-terihwísa
to be divorced or separated ta-__-tekháhsi
to be engaged a-__-terihwahserón:ni
to be single a-__-nonhsanónhnhake
to be young ken’ naonta-__-ién:take
to be learning a-__-teweiénsthake
to be teaching a-__-rihonnienníhake
to watch television tká:ra’s a-__-terò:roke
to be eating ta-__-tskà:hon
to be thirsty a-__-nia’tatshénsheke
to be drinking a-__-hnekihrénhake
to wake up a-__-ie
to get dressed a-__-thserón:ni
answer, reply ta-__-rihwa’será:ko
begin (to do s.t.) aonta-__-táhsawen
cook -khón:ni
defecate -ní’taien
do something ok na-__-ier
eat a meal te-__-tskà:hon
get up -tkétsko, te-__-ta’n
happen ok tha-__-tié:ren
help (physically) -ié:nawa’s
help (supportive) -ia’takéhnha
hide -táhseht
listen -tahónhsatat
look -tkáhtho
open -hnhotón:ko, -nontéksi, -te-__-tá:kwariht
prepare -weiennén:ta’n
rain -kennó:ron
rest -toríhsen
say -:ron
sleep -:ta’wh
snow -nieht
study -téweienst
put away -teweièn:ton
tidy te-__-ohtáhrho
get tired te-__-hwihsénheie
understand -‘nikonhraién:ta’n
urinate -nistiá:ke
wake up -ie
wash s.t. -nóhare
wash oneself -tia’tóhare
watch -terò:rok
work -ió’ten
borrow -tén:ni
lend -:ni
buy -hní:non
buy for s.o. -hní:non’s
buy from s.o. -hní:non
get/obtain -ko, -ié:na
go get -kóha
give -ion
lend -ni
sell -tenhní:non
sell to -tenhní:non’s
steal -nénsko
trade, switch te-__-tá:ton
be big a-__-kowanénhake
be cheap, inexpensive a-__-tiesénhake
be dark in colour a-__-hsohkwahon’tsíhake
be dirty, soiled ta-__-‘tsón:take
be dry a-__-stathénhake
be expensive a-__-norónhake
be hard a-__-hnirónhake
be heavy a-__-ksteke
have a hole a-__-kahrón:take
be light in colour a-__-hsohkwara’kénhake
be long a-__-ónsheke
be bad, evil a-__-hetkénhake
be short ken’ na-__-onsháhake
stink a-__-kera’ne
be soft a-__-‘nhétska’ne
be ugly a-__-hetkénhake
be wet a-__-na’nawénhake
eat s.t. a-__-ke
make soup a-__-tkátston
make a bread product a-__-na’tarón:ni
get full a-__-hta’ne
be good or proficient at a-__-weientehtónhake
small ken’ ni-__-à:’a
afraid -tshà:nis
angry -na’khwèn:’on
annoyed -hkará:rens
awake -iè:’on
big -kowá:nen
body type, looks tsi ni-__-ia’tò:ten
busy te-__-weienhnharà:’on
cold -wístos
concerned, worried te-__-tate’nikónhrhare
content -erien’tí:ios
crazy te-__-nonhwarawén:rie
crying te-__-shénthos
dark-skinned -hnahòn:tsi
depressed -‘nikonhrèn:ton
drunk -nonhwarahtòn:’on
enjoy -on’wéskwani
famous -hsennowá:nen
fat -re’sen
funny -ia’tasté:ris
good-looking -onkwe’tí:io
good person -onkwe’tí:io, t-__-rihwaié:ri
happy -tshennón:ni, -tonhnháhere
heavy -ia’tákste
hot -‘tarihèn:’on
hungry -tonhkária’ks
intelligent -ttókha
jealous -‘nóshas, -ten’kéwhen
lazy -entóhrha
light-skinned -hnarà:ken
lonely -entón:nis
lucky -tera’swí:io
cross, nasty, mean -hétken
need te-__-tonhwentsó:ni
poor -:ten
pregnant -wirahninòn:re
ready, prepared -tateweiennentà:’on
rich -hwistowá:nen
sad -‘nikonhráksens
short ken’ ni-__-hneniésha
shy -tshé:iaron
sick -nonhwáktani
sleepy -serénhtara’s
smiling, laughing -iéshon
strong -‘nikonhkátste, -‘shátste, te-__-hwi’shátste
stubborn, determined -nontsistahní:ron
surprised -nehrakò:’on
talking -hthare
tall -hnén:ies
skinny -tí:wen
thirsty -nia’táthens
thrilled, ecstatic -‘nikonhrinekèn:’on
have time -náktote
tired te-__-hwihsenhé:ion
ugly, homely -hétken
unlucky -tera’swáksen
well, healthy -kwátshe
waiting -hrhá:re, te-__-nèn:raien
weak, sickly -tsì:ios, -tsi’ióhtare
working -ió’te
spread out, spread around te-__-renia’tonhátie
setting -héhrha
in -a
in (liquid or abstract), be part of -o, -re
standing (of an object) -:niote
hanging over -hren’tónhkhwa
hanging down, suspended -háhrha
inserted, wedged in te-__-hsiharáhtha
standing (animate) -te
sitting (animate) -tskote
lying down (animate) -ia’tión:ni
in (animate) -ià:ti
break (apart, into pieces) te-__-kháhsions, te-__-hrihtánions
hear -thón:te, -hrón:kas
listen -tahónhsate
listen to s.o. -wennaráhkhwa, -hónhsate
obey, listen to -tewennaráhkhwa
do (with or to s.t.) tsi ni-__-iéhrha
insert, wedge into -ò:roks
leave behind, let go -ties
put s.t. in s.t. -éta’as
put up onto s.t. -héhrha
set down -:iens
stand up an object te-__-tástha, -hniótha
bite -tekhwákwas
sniff -teswáhtha
bleed -nekhwà:’on
hit (tap, strike) -hwà:’e
touch ken’ nie-__-iéhrha
grab -ié:nas
rub -rakén:rie
scratch -tké:ton
sore -hkará:rens
itchy -rónhkwani
injured -karewáhton



Free Pronouns

Free pronouns can exist, or have their own meaning, without a sentence


í:i  me / I / us

í:se  you

raónha he / him

akaónha  she / her

aónha  it

ronónha  them (males / males and females)

onónha  them (females only)

Bound Pronouns

Bound pronouns can only exist in conjunction with the context of a sentence. In other words, these pronouns have no meaning alone.

yonkya’ts they to me (name)

yesaya’ts they to you (name)

ronwaya’ts they to him (name)

yontátya’ts they to her (name)

konwaya’ts they to it (name)

ronwatí:ya’ts they to them (name)

konwati:ya’ts they to them (name) – female only

Question Words


Ónhka Who?

Oh nahò:ten What?

Ka’nón:we Where?

Kátke When?

Oh nontyé:ren Why?

To nihá:ti How many of them? 

Vocabulary Builders


Animals, Birds, Insects


ohkwá:ri bear

tsyanì:to beaver

tsihstekeriyà:kon bison / buffalo

orhyó:ken chipmunk

kén:reks cougar / lynx

ohskennón:ton deer

atená:ti elk

tsítsho fox

anonhwaráweron groundhog

tehahonhtané:ken jackrabbit

ska’nyónhsa moose

tsinó:wen mouse

anò:kyen / anókyen muskrat

waniheyà:tha opossum

tawí:ne otter

anèn:taks porcupine

kwa’yén:’a rabbit

atí:ron raccoon

tsinowen’kó:wa rat

onkwe’tá:ko squirrel, black / grey

aró:sen squirrel, red

anì:tas skunk

ò:nyare snake

kanyáhten snapping turtle

a’nó:wara turtle

okwáho wolf, coyote

teríteri / terí:teri blue jay

kanekwenhtárha cardinal

tsiktsiré:re chickadee

ká:ka / tsyò:ka’we (East) crow

só:ra(k) duck

atonnyon’kó:wa / á:kweks (East) eagle

katsihnekwárha goldfinch

káhonk goose, Canada

ohkwé:sen grouse

karhakón:ha / atónnyon hawk

ohá:kwaron(t) heron

raónraon hummingbird

tawístawis killdeer, sandpiper

tsyonya’tarèn:ton loon

tsihstékeri great horned owl

tekáhstya’ks parrot

orí:te pigeon, dove

tsiskó:ko robin

tsyohwátstakahwe seagull

kanatakón:ha sparrow, house

onahsakèn:ra swan

skaweró:wane / skawiró:wane (East) turkey

kenheyón:taks turkey vulture

karontároks woodpecker

ohstò:kwa beak

otsi’é:ra claws

okò:tsya crest

ohstò:sera feather (generic)

o’náhsha feather (wing, tail)

onerahóntsha wing

óweya wing

tsi’nhontstókhi ant

katsikhe’tón:nis / kahsehstón:nis bee (honey)

o’nó:wa beetle

nikontinyaréhsha blackfly

otskwárhe bullfrog

tsiktsinón:nawen butterfly

orwharà:ne caterpillar

tsiríktsirik / taráktarak cricket

tewatsirókwas firefly

otá:wek flea

tsiks fly

tsikerentányaks frog

tsihstá:rare grasshopper

otsì:non lice, louse

okaryahtà:ne mosquito

ohó:wa moth

otsihskayonnì:tha snail, slug

takwa’áhson spider

tsikhnennà:taks toad

yakonere’rhohárhos / otsi’nahkontahkwà:ne wasp, hornet, bee

ohséhton woodtick

otsi’nonwanhè:ta worm

ohskawí:yak bass

ohwén:ta catfish

oyenhè:ta perch

tsikónhses pike

ohyé:karon(t) trout, salmon

skakahráksen walleye, pickerel

tsyonnhó:wane whale

tyawerón:ko eel

o’néhtara egg(s)

okawè:tshera fin(s)

watonryéhtha gill(s)

ótsta scale(s)

o’táhsa tail

teka’nón:ten alligator / crocodile

tsikera’wíhstak / yakohónhtariks bat

onotsta’kó:wa elephant

kanyá:rehs giraffe

tó:tis lizard, salamander

katsi’nòn:taks / katsi’nonhtakskó:wa monkey / gorilla

kanonwakón:ha kwéskwes hippopotamus

yohna’tà:tsheronte kangaroo

takohskó:wa lion, tiger



Onekwénhtara (Red)

Kanekwenhtarahòn:tsi (Dark red)

Kanekwenhtararà:ken (Light red)

Akiarèn:ta (Orange)

Otsì:nekwar (Yellow)

Katsi’nekwararà:ken (Light yellow)

Óhonte (Green)

Kahontarà:ken (Light green)

Oròn:ia (Blue)

Karonhiahòn:tsi (Dark blue)

Karonhiarà:ken (Light blue)

Oharennáhta (Purple)

Waharennahtarà:ken (Mauve)

Wahsén:rate (Pink)

Wahsenrate’tsherarà:ken (Pale pink)

Athéhsa (Brown)

Watehsarà:ken (Tan)

Kahòn:tsi (Black)

Ata’kenhróhkwa (Grey)

Wata’kenhrohkwarà:ken (Light gray)

Karà:ken (White)


Days & Months



Awentatokenhtí:ke Sunday

Awententaón:ke Monday

Ratironhia’kehronón:ke Tuesday

Soséhne Wednesday

Okarihstiiáhne Thursday

Ronwaia’tanontaktónhne Friday

Awentákta Saturday


Tsiothorhkó:wa January

Enníska February

Enniskó:wa March

Onerahtókha April

Onerahtohkó:wa May

Ohiaríha June

Ohyarihkó:wa July

Seskéha August

Seskehkó:wa September

Kenténha October

Kentenhkó:wa November

Tsiothórha December



Kahonwé:ia Boat

Kahswèn:kara Board, shelf, plank

Ókwire Bush, shrub, whip, tree

O’tá:ra Clay, clan, pottery, chimney

Otshà:ta Cloud

O’kèn:ra Dirt, dust, soil

Ohrón:wa Ditch, furrow

Kanhóha Door

Ata’èn:ra Fence

Kahéhta Field, garden

Ohswèn:kara Floor

Kárha Forest, woods

Óhonte Grass, vegetation

O’nià:ra Hill

Kaniá:tara Lake

Onhwéntsia Land, earth, soil

Ónerahte Leaf

Onón:ta Mountain

Onawà:tsta Mud

Kahná:wa Rapids

Kahiónha River, stream

Oháha Road, street

Ostèn:ra Rock, sidewalk, pavement

Áhskwa Roof, bridge, porch, deck

Onehsarónhkwa Sand

Karonhià:ke Sky, heaven

Óniehte Snow

Kanekó:ta Stairs, ladder

Kaná:wa Swamp, marsh, wetland

Kaná:ta Town, village, city

Karón:ta Tree, log, tree trunk

Kérhite Tree

Ahsónhta Wall



ohsahè:ta bean(s)

otsíhkwa beet(s)

kanà:taronk butter

owihstóhsera bread

ó:nenhste corn

o’nhónhsa egg(s)

kéntsyonk fish

kákhwa food (ready-to-eat)

káhik fruit

atennà:tshera groceries, lunch

o’wà:ronk meat

onòn:ta milk

ohsò:kwa nut(s)

onékwa pea(s)

ohnennà:ta potato(es)

ohtè:ra root, carrot

onòn:tara soup

onon’ónsera squash

otsikhè:ta sugar, candy

ohné:ka water, liquid

sewahyó:wane apple(s)

kaien’ kwararihton bacon

yona’tarakà:ronte bagel

teyotahyà:kton banana

orhóhtseri beans (fresh, green/yellow)

kahwatstón:ni (-hwatst- = foam) beer

shá:yehse blackberry

karha’takéha (-rh- = forest) blueberry

otsi’tsyakáthe broccoli

teyona’taratsikhè:tare cake

otsì:nekwar nikahterò:ten carrots

takóhs aókhwa / aotíkhwa cat food

ohstawinakáhte (-hstawin- = stalk) celery

yonekwarahní:ron (-nekwar- = curds) cheese

é:ri / eri’kó:wa cherry(ies)

kitkit tanon onon’onsta chicken and dumplings

tehatikahratì:ronte raotíkhwa chinese food

ohso’kwákeri / ohsahe’tákeri coffee

nikana’tarà:sas cookies

kana’taronkhón:we corn bread

onenhstóhkwa corn soup

onenhste’ón:we corn, flint corn

kanenhstóhare corn, lyed corn

ó:nenhste corn, sweet corn

tó:kwahre cranberry

onon’onserákeras cucumber

ohshérha dough

tewahserí:ye (-ahseriye’t- = string) doughnuts

kanenhón:ta dried corn soup

othè:sera flour

tekarihstó:yen (-rihst- = stove) fried bread, scone (stove-top)

kahnenna’takerì:ten fried potatoes

wahyákeri fruit juice (apple cider, strawberry drink)

teyokháhon garlic

onénhare (-nenh- = seed) grape(s)

kèn:ye gravy

teka’ wahraiehston teiohiaka:nion wahstehton goulash

teka’wahrahríhton hamburg (ground meat)

awenhétsha hot dog, baloney, sausage

kanennyo’kóhare (-nennyo’kw- = frozen snow) ice cream

kahnekinekénhton juice (squeezed)

tekara’wihstà:sere lasagna

teyohyahyò:tsis lemon

kahneka’shátste liquor

wáhta óhses maple syrup

awerhóhsera / otsíhkwa mushroom(s)

otsíhskwa oatmeal, cornmush, pudding

á:nenk onions, bulb

o’nyónkhseri onions, green

otsì:nekwar niwahyò:ten orange

ora’wíhsta / ánekok pancakes

tekakenhwhará:’on peach(es)

kátshe káhik pear(s)

teyotskara’kó:wa pepper

teyonon’onserahyò:tsis pickles (dill)

tekahswà:ne (-hsw- = back) pie

kahonteskó:wa pineapple

teyotena’tarahwenón:ni pizza

wíhson káhik plum

watenenhstatákwas popcorn

skanekwenhtará:yen raspberries

teyohstawinahyò:tsis (-hstawin- = stalk) rhubarb

watenon’ónkwas / kanatsyakèn:ra (east) rice (white)

tekahsahe’tayéhston salad (bean)

teka’nhonhsayéhston salad (egg)

tewahyayéhston salad (fruit)

tekahontayéhston / tekanerahtayéhston salad (garden)

tekahnenna’tayéhston / tekanerahtayéhston salad (potato)

kiokiakton’ kowa salmon

teyohyò:tsis salt

teyo’wahrahyò:tsis salt pork

tekana’tarà:sere sandwich

teka’nhonhsawen:rie scrambled eggs

kahnekákon / teyohnekatsikhè:tare soda pop

wahseriyè:to (-ahseriye’t- = string) spaghetti

yontekhwakon’onhstáhkwa spices

niyohontéhsha strawberry

kanerahtanawénhton / ti tea

watena’taratsha’áhton / kana’tarahon’tsíhston toast

teyohyakháhon tomatoes

ohontehshón:’a / ase’shón:’a / kahehta’kéha (-heht- = garden) vegetables

teyohnekahyò:tsis vinegar

wahyá:ris watermelon

katsi’tsyákeri (-tsi’tsy- = flower) wine


wá:tonte baked

yotskà:rat bitter, sour

teyohnekontyéhton boiled

yotsha’áhton burnt

yotenóhare clean

yó:ri cooked

yowíhsto cool, cold

yawékon delicious

yore’senhtsherón:ni fattening

kakerì:ten fried, deep-fried

yonennyo’kwanóhston frozen

wenserákon / kaserákon good-smelling

yawenhyé:nare greasy

yo’taríhen hot

yotatén:ron left-over

yonnyà:ton made from / with

yohskénrhonte moldy

okáhte raw

watè:skonte roasted, fried

yótken / yótkon rotten

teyohyò:tsís salty

teyothská:rat spicy, hot

yohetkén:’on spoiled

yò:te strong taste, smell

teyotsikhè:tare sweet

yó:kwit unappetizing, disgusting

yohné:kare watery

Meal Time

orhen’ké:ne í:yeks breakfast

entye lunch

okara’snéha supper



Older Male Relatives

rake’níha my father

ya’níha your father

ro’níha his father

shako’níha her father

shonkwa’níha our father

etshisewa’níha your father

rakenohá:’a my uncle

yanohá:’a your uncle

ronohá:’a his uncle

shakonohá:’a her uncle

shonkwanohá:’a our uncle

etshisewanohá:’a your uncle

rakhsótha my grandfather

yahsótha your grandfather

rohsótha his grandfather

shakohsótha her grandfather

shonkwahsótha our grandfather

etshisewahsótha your grandfather

rakhtsí:’a my older brother

yahtsí:’a your older brother

rohtsí:’a his older brother

shakohtsí:’a her older brother

shonkwahtsí:’a our older brother

etshisewahtsí:’a your older brother

Younger Male Relatives  

riyén:’a my son

etshyén:’a your son

royén:’a his son

ronwayén:’a her/their son

etshiteniyén:’a my and your son

etshisewayén:’a your son

riyonhwatén:’a my nephew

etshonhwatén:’a your nephew

raonhwatén:’a his nephew

ronwayonhwatén:’a her/their nephew

etshitenonhwatén:’a me and your nephew

etshisenonhwatén:’a your nephew

riyateré:’a my grandson

etshateré:’a your grandson

roteré:’a his grandson

ronwateré:’a her/their grandson

etshityateré:’a me and your grandson

etshitsyateré:’a your grandson

ri’kén:’a my younger brother

etshe’kén:’a your younger brother

ro’kén:’a his younger brother

ronwa’kén:’a her/their younger brother

etshiteni’kén:’a me and your younger brother

etshiseni’kén:’a your younger brother

Older Female Relatives 

ake’nihsténha my mother

sa’nihsténha your mother

ro’nihsténha his mother

ako’nihsténha her mother

onkwa’nihsténha our mother

sewa’nihsténha mother of all of you

akhsótha my grandmother

sahsótha your grandmother

rohsótha his grandmother

akohsótha her grandmother

onkwahsótha our grandmother

sewahsótha grandmother of all of you

akhtsí:’a my older sister

sahtsí:’a your older sister

rohtsí:’a his older sister

akohtsí:’a her older sister

onkwahtsí:’a our older sister

sewahtsí:’a older sister of all of you

Younger Female Relatives 

kheyén:’a my daughter

sheyén:’a your daughter

shakoyén:’a his daughter

yontatyén:’a her/their daughter

yethiyén:’a me and your daughter

yetshiyén:’a your daughter

kheyonhwatén:’a my niece

sheyonhwatén:’a your niece

shakaonhwatén:’a his niece

yontatonhwatén:’a her/their niece

yethiyonhwatén:’a me and your niece

yetshiyonhwatén:’a your niece

kheyateré:’a my granddaughter

sheyateré:’a your granddaughter

shakoteré:’a his granddaughter

yontatateré:’a her/their granddaughter

yethiyateré:’a me and your granddaughter

yetshiyateré:’a your granddaughter

khe’kén:’a my younger sister

she’kén:’a your younger sister

shako’kén:’a his younger sister

yontate’kén:’a her/their younger sister

yethi’kén:’a me and your younger sister

yetshi’kén:’a your younger sister

Cousins & Friends 

onkyara’sé:’a my cousin

tsyara’sé:’a your cousin

ronara’sé:’a his (M/F) cousin

(y)onara’sé:’a her (F) cousin

onkwara’séhson our cousin

sewara’séhson your cousin

onkyatén:ron my friend

tsyatén:ron your friend

ronatén:ron his (M/F) cousin

(y)onatén:ron her (F) cousin

onkwatenróhson our cousin

sewatenróhson your cousin

onkyátshi my female friend

tsyátshi your female friend

yonatshi’ó:kon her female friend

onkwatshi’ó:kon our female friend

sewatshi’ó:kon your female friend

Multiple Family Members 

yonkyén:’a my parents

yesayén:’a your parents

ronwayén:’a his parents

shakotiyén:’a her parents

yonkhiyen’okón:’a our parents

yetshiyen’okón:’a your parents

kheyen’okón:’a my children

sheyen’okón:’a your children

shakoyen’okón:’a his children

yontatyen’okón:’a her children

yethiyen’okón:’a our children

yetshiyen’okón:’a your children

yonkhsótha my grandparents

yesahsótha your grandparents

ronwahsótha his grandparents

yontathsótha her grandparents

yonkhihsothokón:’a our grandparents

yetshihsothokón:’a your grandparents

kheyatere’okón:’a my grandchildren

sheyatere’okón:’a your grandchildren

shakotere’okón:’a his grandchildren

yontatatere’okón:’a her grandchildren

yethiyatere’okón:’a our grandchildren

yetshiyatere’okón:’a your grandchildren

akhtsì:son my older siblings

sahtsì:son your older siblings

rohtsì:son his older siblings

akohtsì:son her older siblings

onkwahtsì:son our older siblings

sewahtsì:son your older siblings

khe’ken’okón:’a my younger siblings

she’ken’okón:’a your younger siblings

shako’ken’okón:’a his younger siblings

yontate’ken’okón:’a her younger siblings

yethi’ken’okón:’a our younger siblings

yetshi’ken’okón:’a your younger siblings

yonkenohà:son my uncles

yesanohà:son your uncles

ronwanohà:son his uncles

yontatenohà:son her uncles

yonkhinohà:son our uncles

yetshinohà:son your uncles

kheyonhwaten’okón:’a my nephews and nieces

sheyonhwaten’okón:’a your nephews and nieces

shakaonhwaten’okón:’a his nephews and nieces

yontatonhwaten’okón:’a her nephews and nieces

yethiyonhwaten’okón:’a our nephews and nieces

yetshiyonhwaten’okón:’a your nephews and nieces

teyakwatate’ken’okón:’a my siblings

tesewatate’ken’okón:’a your siblings

tehontate’ken’okón:’a his siblings

tehontate’ken’okón:’a her siblings

onkwara’séhson my cousins

sewara’séhson your cousins

ronara’séhson his cousins

ronara’séhson her cousins

onkwatenróhson my friends

sewatenróhson your friends

ronatenróhson his friends

ronatenróhson her friends



Cities & Towns

Tsi tkanatáhere Brantford

Tsi teyohserò:ron Buffalo

Kharatón:ni Caledonia

Tyohsarhóntyon Detroit

Anonhwahrore’tsherakayòn:ne Dundas

Tsi thatinatón:ni Guelph

Ohrón:wakon Hamilton

Ka’taróhkwen Kingston

Tekahyonhó:ken London, Ontario and Paris, Ontario

Tyohtyà:ke Montreal

Tewa’ken’hà:ke New Credit

Kanón:no New York City

Tsi tewa’sénhtha Niagara Falls

Tsi yetsyenhayentáhkwa / Tsiyayentáhkwa Ohsweken village

Kanà:tsyo Ottawa

Tsi teyotenonhsà:kton St. Catherines

Ohswé:ken Six Nations Grand River Territory

Tsi tkarón:to Toronto

Ranatakaryáhsne Washington, D.C.

Koráhne Canada

Wahstonhronòn:ke United States

Wehikhóhne Mexico

Onhwentsyakayòn:ne Europe

Tyorhen’shakà:ke England

Ken’taherè:ke Scotland

O’seronni’onwè:ke France

Ratihnahon’tsíhne Africa

Tehatikahratirontè:ke Japan, China, Korea


tsi teká:tens / tekaténhsne airport, at a/the ~

tsi tehonttsihkwa’ekstáhkwa arena, at a/the ~

tsi thatitsyénhayens band office, at a/the ~

tsi yehwihstayentáhkwa bank, at a/the ~

tsi thatihnekírha bar, at a/the ~

tsi teyehwíhstayens casino, at a/the ~

tsi yonterennayentáhkwa / ononhsatokénhti (East) church, at a/the ~

tsi thatiya’tarò:roks community hall

tsi thonwati’nikòn:rhare ratiksa’okón:’a day care centre

ranawirakwatakwáhsne dentist’s office, at a/the ~

rotshinahkèn:ke / ratetsyènhshne (East) doctor’s office, at a/the ~

tsi yeyakotyéhtha dump / landfill, at a/the ~

ronhswa’thà:ke fire station, at a/the ~

tsi yontya’takariyohstáhkwa gym, at a/the ~

tsi tyakenheyontayentáhkwa / tsi tehshakotitysèn:tha (East) hospital, at a/the ~

tsi tyonnonhwétstha hotel, at a/the ~

tsi yontatenhotónhstha jail, at a/the ~

tsi yehyatonhserayentáhkwa library, at a/the ~

kanonhséhsne / tsi tkanónhses longhouse, at a/the ~

tsi yontenhninon’tha’kó:wa mall, at a/the ~

tsi teyó:ya’ks / teyoyá’kshne movie theatre, at a/the ~

shakotiyenáhsne / karihtòn:ke (East) police station, at a/the ~

tsi yehyatonhseratahkwáhtha post office, at a/the ~

tsi waterennótha radio station, at a/the ~

onkwehonwè:ne / kanonhstá:ton reserve, at a/the ~

tsi teyontska’hónhkwa restaurant / dining room, at the ~

tsi yontaweya’táhkwa / tsi yontaterihonnyennì:tha / tsi yonterihwayenhstáhkwa (East) school, at a/the ~

tsi thonwatíhsnye’s rotiksten’okón:’a senior’s home

tsi yontenhninòn:tha store, at a/the ~

kaná:takon town, in ~

Onkwawennáhne Onkwawenna immersion program

tsi ronkénnyes to the fair/gambling

tsi ratihwístayens        to the casino

tsi rontké:rons to the market

tsi rontekhwahní:nons            to the grocery store

tsi onkyatenrón:ke      to my friends (m) place

tsi yonkyatenrón:ke    to my friends (f) place

tsi tsyaterón:ke           to your friend’s place

tsi yontaweya’táhkwa to school

tsi teyontska’hónhkwa           to the restaurant

tsi yehwistayentáhkwa           to the bank

tsi tewatén:nyote       to a wedding

tsi ronten’wéhshens   to a party

tsi tekanonnyáhkwen to a dance

tsi kahehtahserón:ni   to a park

tsi teyoya’áksne          to the movies

tsi tewakenónhsote    to my place

tsi tisanónhsote          to your place

tsi thonónhsote          to his place

tsi tyakonónhsote       to her place

tsi thotinónhsote        to their place

tsi tyotinónhsote        to their place (f)

Mohawk Clans


Tsi Niyonkwen’tarò:ten   our clans

Turtle Clan

wakenyáhten  I am of the turtle clan

sanyáhten       you are of the turtle clan

ronyáhten       he is of the turtle clan

yakonyáhten   she is of the turtle clan

yonkeninyáhten   we (you & I / someone & I) are of the turtle clan

seninyáhten    you two are of the turtle clan

rotinyáhten     two (Ms) are of the turtle clan

yotinyáhten    two (Fs) are of the turtle clan

yonkwanyáhten   you all and I are of the turtle clan

sewanyáhten  all of you are of the turtle clan

rotinyáhten     they (Ms) are of the turtle clan

yotinyáhten    they (Fs) are of the turtle clan

Wolf Clan

wakathahyón:ni   I am of the wolf clan

sathahyón:ni   you are of the wolf clan

rothahyón:ni   he is of the wolf clan

yakothahyón:ni   she is of the wolf clan

yonkyathahyón:ni   we (you & I / someone & I) are of the wolf clan

tsyathahyón:ni            you two are of the wolf clan

ronathahyón:ni           two (Ms) are of the wolf clan

yonathahyón:ni          two (Fs) are of the wolf clan

yonkwathahyón:ni      you all and I / they and I are of the wolf clan

sewathahyón:ni          all of you are of the wolf clan

ronathahyón:ni           they (Ms) are of the wolf clan

yonathahyón:ni          they (Fs) are of the wolf clan

Bear Clan

wakhskaré:wake         I am of the bear clan

sahskaré:wake            you are of the bear clan

rohskaré:wake            he is of the bear clan

yakohskaré:wake        she is of the bear clan

yonkenihskaré:wake   we (you & I / someone & I) are of the bear clan

senihskaré:wake         you two are of the bear clan

rotihskaré:wake          two (Ms) are of the bear clan

yotihskaré:wake         two (Fs) are of the bear clan

yonkwahskaré:wake   you all and I / they and I are of the bear clan

sewahskaré:wake       all of you are of the bear clan

rotihskaré:wake          they (Ms) are of the bear clan

yotihskaré:wake         they (Fs) are of the bear clan

Asking About Clans

Sateryén:tare ken oh niwaki’tarò:ten?   Do you know what kind of clan I am?

Oh nisen’tarò:ten?  What kind of clan are you?

Oh niho’tarò:ten?  What kind of clan is he?

Oh niyako’tarò:ten?  What kind of clan is she?

Oh niyonkeni’tarò:ten?  What kind of clan are you and I / someone and I?

Oh niseni’tarò:ten?  What kind of clan are you two?

Oh nihoti’tarò:ten?   What kind of clan are they (two Ms)?

Oh niyoti’tarò:ten?   What kind of clan are they (two Fs)?

Oh niyonkwen’tarò:ten?   What kind of clan are you all and I / they and I?

Oh nisewen’tarò:ten? What kind of clan are all of you?

Oh nihoti’tarò:ten?     What kind of clan are they (Ms)?

Oh niyoti’tarò:ten?     What kind of clan are they (Fs)?



Énskat one

Tékeni two

Áhsen three

Kaié:ri four

Wísk five

Ià:ia’k six

Tsiá:ta seven

Sha’té:kon eight

Kióhton nine

Oié:ri ten

Áhsen iawén:re thirteen

Kaié:ri iawén:re fourteen

Wísk iawén:re fifteen

Ià:ia’k iawén:re sixteen

Tsiá:ta iawén:re seventeen

Sha’té:kon iawén:re eighteen

Kióhton iawén:re nineteen

Tewáhsen twenty

Áhsen niwáhsen thirty

Kaié:ri niwáhsen fourty

Wísk niwáhsen fifty

Iá:ia’k niwáhsen sixty

Tsiá:ta niwáhsen seventy

Sha’té:kon niwáhsen eighty

Kióhton niwáhsen ninety

Tewen’nyá:we hundred’s number marker



Eksa’okón:’a Children

Raksá:’a Boy

Yeksá:’a Girl

Eksá:’a Child

Tehniksá:’a 2 Boys / 1 Boy + 1 Girl / 2 Kids

Tekeniksá:’a 2 Girls

Ratiksa’okón:’a Boys / Kids (3+)

Kontiksa’okón:’a Girls (3+)

Ratinekenhteron’okón:’a & Kontiya’tese’okón:’a Young People

Ranekénhteron Young man

Yeya’taséha Young women

Tehninekénhteron Two young men

Tekeniya’taséha Two young women

Ratinekenhteron’okón:’a Young men (3+)

Kontiya’tase’okón:’a Young women (3+)

Onkwe’shón:’a People

Rón:kwe Man

Yakón:kwe Women

Ón:kwe Human / Person

Tehnón:kwe 2 Men / 1 Man + 1 Women / 2 Adults

Tekenón:kwe 2 Women

Ronnón:kwe Men / Men + Men / Adults (3+)

Konnón:kwe Women (3+)

Rokstén:ha Elder man

Akokstén:ha Elder women

Tehotikstén:ha 2 Elderly Men / 1 Elderly Man + 1 Elderly Women / 2 Elders

Teyotikstén:ha 2 Elderly Women

Rotiksten’okón:’a Elderly Men / Elderly Women + Men/Elders (3+)

(Y)otiksten’okón:’a Elderly Women

Describing The Amount of People

shayá:ta one male

tsyeyá:ta one female

tehniyáhsen two males

tekeniyáhsen two females

ahsen nihá:ti three males

ahsen nikón:ti three females

kayé:ri nihá:ti four males

kayé:ri nikón:ti four females

wísk nihá:ti five males

wísk nikón:ti five females

yá:’ya’k nihá:ti six males

yá:’ya’k nikón:ti six females

tyá:ta nihá:ti seven males

tyá:ta nikón:ti seven females

sa’té:kon nihá:ti eight males

sa’té:kon nikón:ti eight females

tyóhton nihá:ti nine males

tyóhton nikón:ti nine females

oyé:ri nihá:ti ten males

oyé:ri nikón:ti ten females

énhska yawén:re nihá:ti eleven males

énhska yawén:re nikón:ti eleven females

tewáhsen énhska nihá:ti twenty-one males

tewáhsen énhska nikón:ti twenty-one females

áhsen niwáhsen énhska nihá:ti thirty-one males

áhsen niwáhsen énhska nikón:ti thirty-one females

States of Being


Wakhterón:ni I am afraid

Wakena’khwén:’on I am angry

Tewakeweiénhare I am busy

Tewake’nikón:hrhare I am concerned/worried

Wake’nikonhrí:io I am content

Tewakanonhwarawénrie I am crazy

Wake’nikonhrén:ton I am depressed

Wakon’wéhskwani I enjoy doing s.t

Wakhsté:rihst I am funny

Konkwe’tí:io I am a good person

Wakatshennón:ni I am happy

Tewaken’nikon’rowà:nen I am intelligent

Wakaterién:tare I am aware (know)

Kienté:ri I know s.t specific

Kentórha I am lazy

Waké:kahs I like the taste of it

Kentón:nis I’m lonesome

Wakatera’swí:io I am lucky

Ikhseróhen I am nasty/mean

Wake’nikonhrahserón:ni I am pleased

Wakatateweiennentà:’on I am ready/ prepared

Wake’nikonhráksen I am sad

Kattókha I am smart/ clever

Wake’nikonrahní:ron I am stubborn

Wakenehrákwas I am surprised

Wakatonháhere I am thrilled

Wakenáktote I have time

Wakatera’swáksen I am unlucky

Wakerhá:re I am waiting

Tewakatonhwentsió:ni I am want/need

Iohsté:rihst It’s funny

Iotshennónnia’t It’s a happy thing

Io’nikonhrória’t It’s surprising

Ionà:kwat It’s maddening

Io’nikonhráksa’t It’s saddening

Ionehrákwat It’s surprising

Teiohwihshenhé:iat It’s tiring

Teio’nikonhrhá:rat It’s worrisome

Ióthteron It’s dangerous

Conversational Mohawk


Conversation: Eating A Meal


Satonhkaria’ks ken? Are you hungry?

Hen, katonhkaria’ks. Yes, I am hungry

I:iah sotsi arok tekatonhkaria’ks. No, not hungry yet

I:sehre ken taikiatskahon:na? Do you want to go eat?

Hao’ Ki:nio Yes, lets go!

O:nen ni:’i wakekhwenta:on I have already eaten

Naho:ten ni:se’ enseke? What will you eat?

Naho:ten ensneki:ra? What do you want to drink?

______ en:keke I will eat _____(food)

______ ni:’i enkhneki:ra I will drink ____________(drink)

Iah teio:ri ki:ken ____ This (food) is not cooked all the way

Iotshon ki:ken ____ This (food) is burnt

Wenserakon ki:ken _____ This (food) smells good

Kahnekakon ki:ken ____ This (drink) is good

Se:kas ken ne ____ Do you like the taste of (food)?

Hen, wakekas ne ____ Yes I like the taste of (food)

I:iah tewakekas ne ___No I don’t like the taste of (food)

Enseke ken ne ___ (food/drink)? Did you try the (food/drink)?

Iawekon ken? Is it good?

Conversation: Basic Greetings


Shé:kon, skennenkó: ken?  Still, is everything peaceful? (Hello, how are you?)

Shé:kon, yoyanerátye ken?   Again, is it going well?

Skennen’kó:wa ní:’i.   Great peace for me too. (I am well)

Nok ní:se?       And you?

Yoyanerátye.   It is going well.

Oh nahò:ten yesá:ya’ts?         What is your name?

Oh nahò:ten ronwá:ya’ts?      What is his name?

Oh nahò:ten yontátya’ts?       What is her name?

Oh nahò:ten ronwatí:ya’ts?    What is their name?

Nok ne raónha?          And him?

Nok ne akaónha?        And her?

Nok ne ronónha?        And them?

Jane yónkya’ts.         Jane is my name.

John ronwá:ya’ts.    John is my name.

Sosán yontátya’ts.      Susan is my name.

Smith ronwatí:ya’ts.   Their name is Smith.

Ó:nen ki’wáhi. Now, then. (Bye, then.)

Ó:nen. Bye

Conversation: Introducing Yourself


____ yónkyats  ____ is my name

____ wakhsenná:sere   ____ is my last name

____ na’tewakohseriyá:konh  ____is my age

Kateweyénhstha kateweyénhstha  I am studying the Mohawk language.


ónkha níse? Who are you?

Conversation: Common Questions & Phrases


Oh nahò:ten ne thí:ken?         What is that?

Oh nahò:ten ne kí:ken?          What is this?

Oh nahò:ten nen’ né:’e?         What is it?

Ónhka ne thí:ken?      Who is that?

Ónhka ne kí:ken?        Who is this?

Ónhka nen’ né:’e?      Who is it?

Ka’nón:we ká:yen?     Where is it? (Where does it lay?)

Yeksá:’a ken?  Is it a girl?

Yeksá:’a ken, ne thí:ken?        Is that a girl?

Yeksá:’a ken, ne kí:ken?          Is this a girl?

Ne yeksá:’a wáhi?       It is the girl, is it not?

Kèn:tho ká:yen. It is here.

E’tho ká:yen. It is there.

Yeksá:’a táhnon raksá:’a. A girl and a boy?

Oh nahò:ten wahsì:ron?         What did you say?

Oh ni:ioht tsi enshi:ron _____ ? How do you say

Seshi:ron Say it again

Oh naho:ten ken:ton ne _____ ? What does _____ mean?

Ka’non:we ne _____? Where is the ______ ?

Wake’nikonhrayén:ta’s I understand

Yah tewake’nikonhrayén:ta’s I don’t understand

Wakateryén:tare I know

 Yah tewakateryén:tare I don’t know

í:kehre I want

yah té:kehre I don’t want

satsí:ron! say it again!



Green, Tehota’kerá:tonh Jeremy & Maracle, Owennatékha Brian. (2018). “The Root-Word Method for Building Proficient Second – Language Speakers of Polysynthetic Languages: Onkwawén:na Kentyóhkwa Adult Mohawk Language Immersion Program”. The Routledge handbook of language revitalization. Routledge, 2018. 146-156.

Maracle, Kanatawakhon David. (2014). To I’i Tewaweyentehta’n Kanyen’keha (Let’s Learn Mohawk). Unpublished.