Browsing by Author Ayres, Stephanie

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-02-28Boîte à outils en simulation virtuelle pour les enseignant(e)sVerkuyl, Margaret; Boulet, Mélanie; Dubois, Nicole; Goldsworthy, Sandra; Merwin, Theresa; Whillet, Timothy; Job, TrevaTra; Atack, Lynda; McLaughlin, Brittney; Tassone, Bruno; Battista, Colleen; Baker, Cynthia; Orr, Elizabeth; Wright, Jennifer; Weiss, Karl; Walt, Kendra; McEwan, Marie; O'Keefe-McCarthy, Sheila; Bansal, Shikha; Ayres, Stephanie; Hill, Tracy; Belmonte, Amanda; Boorsma, Rachel; Chan, Timothy; Carlos, Joselia
2022-02Client Safety Escape Room - Client with Bariatric ChallengesScarfe-Brideau, Jennifer; Elliott, Janice; Ayres, Stephanie; Sumpter, Scott
2022-02Client Safety Escape Room - Long Term CareScarfe-Brideau, Jennifer; Elliott, Janice; Ayres, Stephanie; Sumpter, Scott
2022-02-25Virtual Escape Room for Nursing Students : Supporting a Culture of SafetyScarfe-Brideau, Jennifer; Elliott, Janice; Ayres, Stephanie; Sumpter, Scott; Worsley, Linda
2022-02-28Virtual Simulation : An Educator's Toolkit (v. 1.9 - February 27, 2023)Verkuyl, Margaret; Dubois, Nicole; Goldsworthy, Sandra; Merwin, Theresa; Willet, Timothy; Job, Treva; Atack, Lynda; McLaughlin, Brittney; Tassone, Bruno; Battista, Colleen; Baker, Cynthia; Orr, Elizabeth; Wright, Jennifer; Weiss, Karl; Walt, Kendra; McEwan, Marie; O'Keefe-McCarthy, Sheila; Bansal, Shikha; Ayres, Stephanie; Hill, Tracey; Belmonte, Amanda; Boorsma, Rachel; Chan, Timothy; Carlos, Joselia