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Title: Electrical and Electronics Fundamentals Course - Interactive Simulations
Authors: Danner, Gary
Motala, Aarti
Galindo, Claudia
Scarano, Phil
Lamoureux, Zack
Keywords: electrical fundamentals interaction
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Sandbox Inc
Abstract: Fanshawe College offers an Electrical and Electronics Fundamentals Course that provides learners with fundamental knowledge and skills in electrical circuit design and analysis, electronic component assembly and repair, electrical safety and hazard prevention, industrial automation and controls, electrical code, and regulation compliance. The goal of this project is to enhance the learning experience of this existing course through the creation of engaging, high-quality, interactive simulations. When using this OER, please include the following attribution statement and include the eCampus logo uploaded along with this resource. Funded by the Government of Ontario. The views expressed in this publication are the views of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario or the Ontario Online Learning Consortium.
Other Identifiers: 597261a6-21ca-4991-aeb6-253683cfefd3
Appears in Collections:OEX Collection

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