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Showing results 1419 to 1438 of 1737 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-03-21Raconter au passé - le passé composé et l’imparfaitBonnotte, Céline; Lamaison, Catherine
2023-09Read, Think, Write : Writing in UniversityDubbelboer, Adien; Chamberlain, Pam; Edgar, Stuart; Patterson, Sharren; Wiznura, Rob
2018-04-30Reading Texts : An Interactive WorkshopKwantlen Polytechnic University Learning Centres; Page, Christina
2024-02-16Real Analysis of Data in Psychology, Neuroscience & BehaviourHashemi, Ali; Berry, Matthew; Hashemi, Ali; Berry, Matthew; McEwen, Brendan; Montakhaby Nodeh, Sevda; Panday, Maheshwar; Tu, Carmen; Yousefabadi, Matin; Zarini, Sina
2019-09-27Rebus Community Reports : Insights from OER Project LeadsLangille, Donna; David Szanto
2018The Rebus Guide to Publishing Open Textbooks (So Far)Ashok, Apurva; Wake Hyde, Zoe
2019Recherche de ressources éducatives libresCollège La Cité
2024-02-16Recherche et statistiques en psychologie, neurosciences et comportementHashemi, Ali; Hashemi, Ali; Berry, Matthew; McEwen, Brendan; Montakhaby Nodeh, Sevda; Panday, Maheshwar; Tu, Carmen; Yousefabadi, Matin; Zarini, Sina
2022Recognizing Responsive BehavioursRitchie, Kim
2020-02-13Red Seal Landscape Horticulturist Identify Plants and Plant RequirementsNakano, Michelle
2020Redesigning Lives : Learning How Space Impacts Residents in Affordable Supportive Housing InitiativesOsborne, Bethany; Pirie, Shannon
2022-05-11Reflective Practice in Early Years EducationThird, Sheryl
2022-02-15The Refugee : or the Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in CanadaDrew, Benjamin
2023-12-18Registres de langue et particularismes linguistiques au CanadaCorriveau, Myriam
2023Regulations and the Environment : The Canadian EnvironmentTaylor, Tim
2020Rehab Techniques in Oncology WorkbookSteele (PT), Jodi; Jaclyn Chambers Page; Siscoe Boschman
2022-01Relational Databases and Microsoft Access 365McFadyen, Ron
2021-07-26Remote Sensing (Version 1.0 December 2023)Knudby, Anders
2020Remote Teaching : A Guide for Teaching AssistantsAllen, Meredith; Szozda, Alisha; Kerr, Jeremy; Flynn, Alison
2020Remote teaching : A practical guide with tools, tips, and techniquesFlynn, Alison; Kerr, Jeremy