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Title: Active Offer of French Language Services : Virtual Simulation Experience.
Authors: Giroux, Isabelle
Savard, Jacinthe
Muray, Mwali
Tyerman, Jane
Groupe de recherche sur la formation et les pratiques en santé et service social en contexte francophone minoritaire (GReFoPS), Le
d’Ottawa, Université
Chumbley, Lillian
Keywords: Active offer
French services
Issue Date: 16-Mar-2023
Series/Report no.:
Abstract: Project Background The purpose of this project was to create an interprofessional virtual simulation-based learning module offered at a distance that allows learners educated in French or English to prepare themselves to better meet the health needs of Francophones in minority situations. The virtual simulations allow learners from several health and social services disciplines to practice interprofessional collaboration as well as ways to provide quality services to this francophone population. Project Objectives The active offer of French language services is crucial for ensuring equitable access to healthcare services for Francophone patients in Canada. French is one of Canada’s two official languages, and healthcare providers need to offer services in both languages to meet the needs of the diverse population they serve. The project's overarching goal is to raise awareness of the importance of offering French language services. Scenario Summary The patient (Leo Martin) was recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. He was engaging in physical activity when he experienced a syncopal episode (brief LOC [Loss of Consciousness]) and struck his head when falling. He arrives at the hospital emergency room for assessment, experiencing moderate headache, dizziness, and light sensitivity since his fall. This virtual simulation demonstrates the active offer of French language services within the healthcare practice environment. The experience does not cover all possibilities but is meant to give learners options they can apply in their clinical practice. Learning Objectives By the end of this virtual simulation experience, learners will be able to: 1. Provide opportunities for French or English conversations during the first contact with the patient and significant other to ensure you are providing an active offer of French services and make the patient feel comfortable using French. 2. Collect relevant information about the patient’s care needs when completing an assessment of a francophone patient to ensure that the health providers have the correct information when providing care. 3. Ensure the francophone patient understands the information provided by all healthcare workers, involving the patient and significant others in the patient-centred plan of care. 4. Provide linguistically appropriate referral(s) and resources to a francophone patient ready for discharge to ensure appropriate referrals to meet the patient’s current healthcare needs.
Appears in Collections:VLS Collection

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