eCampusOntario DSpace: Recent submissions

  • Ghosh-Swaby, Olivia; Campbell, Nicole; Kaniki, Nicole; Levine, Alexandra; Hedger, Kathryne Van; Dilkes, Danielle; Martin, Charys; Boller, Ana (2023-03-28)
    Inclusive Science 4 All is a toolkit that provides a historical and social understanding of structures of oppression, marginalization, and underrepresentation across six suits in the biomedical sciences. Currently, curriculum ...
  • Wurster, Jessica; Baregheh, Anahita; Carey, Tom; West, Libby; Lowes, Vicki (2023-02-28)
    For full details about the module, please view the Instructor Guide. This course module was developed by the Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP) in the Faculty of Arts & Science at the University of Toronto. It ...
  • Henhawk, Tehakanere; Jonathan, Stevie; Squire, Jersey (2023)
    This open education resource (OER) may be used a supplementary resource to learning the Mohawk language at the beginner level. In the first part of the OER, the basic morphology, of the language is introduced through ...
  • Proctor, Carrie; Wilson, Leneque; Alkins, Samantha; West, Libby; Lowes, Vicki (2023-02-28)
    For full details about this course, please view the Instructor Guide.
  • Leithead, Cedar; Miller, Allyson; Visutskie, Kasha; Karasyov, Igor (2023-02-28)
    The unexpected and sudden pivot to remote teaching and learning in institutions of higher education highlighted many areas of vulnerability regarding academic integrity, magnifying both traditional and novel forms of ...
  • da Silva, Celina; Kapralos, Bill; Dubrowski, Adam; Torres, Andrei; Coffey, Sue; Graham, Leslie; Peisachovich, Eva; Baltazar, Veronica; Singh, Farrah (2023)
    To address the educational needs of undergraduate nursing students in Ontario, we have developed a freely available, open-access virtual serious game (VSG) to teach palliative care geared for the elderly at end-of-life in ...
  • Giroux, Isabelle; Savard, Jacinthe; Kengneson, Cris-Carelle; Guitard, Paulette; Bigras, Sophie; Vincent, Coralie; Coutu, Claudia; Blaney, Sonia; Collin, Stéphanie; Fernandez, Melissa (2023-02-28)
    Il s’agit d’une simulation en dysphagie réalisée en présentiel et menée par personnes étudiantes : une personne étudiante en nutrition/diététique et 1 personne étudiante en orthophonie. La simulation porte sur une consultation ...
  • Savard, Jacinthe; Giroux, Isabelle; Mercier, Annie; O'Neil, Jennifer; Cardinal, Dominique; Kengneson, Cris-Carelle (2023-02-28)
    Il s’agit d’une simulation d’entrevue de congé réalisée en présentiel et menée par personnes étudiantes : 1 personne étudiante en physiothérapie et 1 personne étudiante en travail social. La simulation porte sur une ...
  • Mogadime, Dolana; Koopman, Oscar; Lehn, Sherilyn; Trudeau, Lyn; Hooper, Sally; Brochu, Yvan; Marlatt, Craig; McCabe, Anneke (2023-03-06)
    The Mandela Global Human Rights project consists of lesson plans and a unique teacher education curriculum guide about Nelson Mandela situating human rights in relation to people of Africa and the African Diaspora from a ...
  • Miles, Rosalin; Huguenin, Mitchell (Trent University, 2023-02-28)
    Physical activity and exercise are integral parts of Indigenous identity, woven into cultural tradition throughout history. This resource aims to tell the story of physical activity, exercise, and health in Indigenous ...
  • Flynn, Alison; Hellemans, Kim; DiLabio, Gino; Thompson, Ashley; Barrette-Ng, Isabelle; Wuetherick, Bradley; Kerr, Jeremy; McMunn, Leah; Cheng, Tiffany; Bourgonje, Connor; Hinch, Isabelle; Pillon, Adam; McPhedran, Sarah (2023)
    To achieve Ontario’s goal of fostering innovation and scientific discovery in today’s fast-changing global economy, exceptional training is needed for graduate students and other highly qualified personnel (HQP). However, ...
  • Ruttenberg-Rozen, Robyn; DiVito, Andrew; Mamolo, Ami; Lovric, Miroslav; Bradbury, Jeremy; Hynes, Katelin (2023)
    This interactive and multi-modal e-course is designed to help instructors of university mathematics and computer science enhance and apply skills for leveraging innovative and inclusive approaches to support experiential ...
  • Holbrook, Anne (Pressbooks, 2023)
    We are developing the first comprehensive open textbook on Clinical Pharmacology, Toxicology and Prescribing Competence for medical students across Canada. There is well documented evidence that knowledge and appropriate ...
  • Conestoga College, The Canadian Institute for Seniors Care (The Canadian Institute for Seniors Care, Conestoga College, 2023)
    In this simulation, learners will have the opportunity to support Mr. Lowell, in partnership with him and the care team, as he lives with heart failure in a senior’s apartment building in the community. Learners will also ...
  • Wuergler, Mary (2022-11-02)
    This open booklet is a brief guide to the fundamentals of American Psychological Association (APA) Style 7th edition required for the Education for Academic Purposes (EAP) course and serves as an introductory resource. APA ...
  • Ebrahimi, Shelir; Yazdanpanah, Reza; Diggins, Gary; Hemmerich, Andrea; Folk, Lauren (2023-02-28)
    As a professor of teaching, I felt so hopeless and heart-broken when I read a post from one of our graduating students, sharing their story of student’s life, which mentioned engineering education and all of its reports ...
  • Gupta, Garima; Peraza, Karen (Artha Learning Inc., 2023)
    A quick checklist to verify the accessibility of your eLearning modules throughout the design and development process. This checklist intends to serve you throughout your process of building an accessible interactive ...
  • Mather, David; Huang, Ned (2023)
    This course equips students and upskills professionals with the skill set in analyzing, diagnosing, and quantifying the energy use in buildings and its impacts. Topics are presented using a multidisciplinary perspective. ...
  • Mensink, Paul; Briona, Lisa; Decoito, Isha (2023-02-28)
    The development of science education within our post-secondary institutions, including broadly building scientific literacy and inquiry for the purposes of creating well-rounded citizens, is of critical importance for both ...
  • Chen, Ruth (2023)
    Faculty Promotion and Progression – overview of primary components of the tenure, permanence and promotion process for tenure-track, teaching-track, and clinical faculty, Program for Health Professional Educators in ...