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Title: MLA Style Citation Tutorial (9th edition)
Authors: Bailey, Sarah
Blizzard, Kara
Wagner, Doris
Keywords: MLA Style Citation
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Library, University of Alberta
Library, NorQuest College
Abstract: The MLA Style Citation Tutorial was created by librarians at the University of Alberta Library and NorQuest College Library to support students and faculty. The tutorial explores why it is important to use citations and how to create works cited list entries and in-text citations based on the 9th edition MLA guidelines. This tutorial can also be used as a reference resource. The MLA Style Citation Tutorial is an adaptation of the APA Style Citation Tutorial by University of Alberta Library.
ISBN: 978-1-55195-478-3
Other Identifiers: bf9ef58a-abe8-403e-ac70-241b2b9c6acd
Appears in Collections:Ontario OER Collection

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