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Title: Online Facilitator Development Workshop (OFDW)
Authors: Vesely, Monica
Faubert, Jennifer
Frake-Mistak, Mandy
Ozols, Catharine
Penner, Gwen
Courtney, Rachel
O'Leary, Michael
Nietsch, Megan
Joukova, Antonina
Keywords: OFDW
Online facilitator development
Online instructional skills
Issue Date: 28-Feb-2022
Abstract: The Online Facilitator Development Workshop (OFDW) is an 8-week intensive workshop intended for individuals who have completed the Online Instructional Skills Workshop (OISW) and who wish to become OISW facilitators. The workshop provides individuals with an online opportunity for professional development in a challenging and supportive atmosphere. The OFDW emphasizes the four cornerstones of the OISW - peer-based development, learner-focused instruction, experiential learning, and reflective practice - as envisioned by Douglas Kerr (2014) and developed by the ISW Community (Instructional Skills Workshop Network Executive, 2021).
Other Identifiers: 6684fe66-a8bf-4988-b191-2909550216ef
Appears in Collections:Ontario OER Collection
VLS Collection

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