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Title: Academic Integrity in Cyberspace
Authors: Leithead, Cedar
Miller, Allyson
Visutskie, Kasha
Karasyov, Igor
Cochrane, Julia
Mungai, Pauline
Iassinovskaia, Katia
Currie, Chris
Harper, Gordon
Hawke, Janice
Krolik, Daniel
Lee, Karen
Pert, Alanis
Go, Naomi
Lin, Amy
Foxe, John Paul
Keywords: Online academic integrity
Issue Date: 28-Feb-2023
Abstract: The unexpected and sudden pivot to remote teaching and learning in institutions of higher education highlighted many areas of vulnerability regarding academic integrity, magnifying both traditional and novel forms of academic misconduct. As remote or hybrid platforms of education persist, these associated forms of academic misconduct remain a challenge for faculty and students alike. With the assistance of a Virtual Learning Strategy grant from eCampus Ontario, Seneca College and Toronto Metropolitan University have developed gamified academic integrity modules for students, designed specifically to promote academic integrity (including best academic practices, ethical decision-making, use of student supports/resources) in scenarios common to students in the virtual learning environment. The modules are relevant to both college and university students, with the code for the game freely available under a Creative Commons License.
Other Identifiers: 66fb04d1-53ad-42e1-8355-7705f73ffaaa
Appears in Collections:Ontario OER Collection
VLS Collection

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