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Title: Differential Calculus for the Life Sciences
Authors: Edelstein-Keshet, Leah
University of British Columbia
Keywords: Differential Calculus
Life Sciences
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Calculus arose as a tool for solving practical scientific problems through the centuries. However, it is often taught as a technical subject with rules and formulas (and occasionally theorems), devoid of its connection to applications. In this textbook, the applications form an important focal point, with emphasis on life sciences. This places the techniques and concepts into practical context, as well as motivating quantitative approaches to biology taught to undergraduates. While many of the examples have a biological flavour, the level of biology needed to understand those examples is kept at a minimum. The problems are motivated with enough detail to follow the assumptions, but are simplified for the purpose of pedagogy.
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Other Identifiers: d973d3e4-b98a-4d24-975a-cb3abba62f22
Appears in Collections:Ontario OER Collection

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