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Title: The Grim Educator
Authors: Van Kessel, Cathryn
Keywords: Education
Philosophy & theory of education
Curriculum planning & development
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2019
Publisher: University of Alberta Library
Abstract: This site is for educators (and anyone else) who may be interested in the ways that death and evil shape how we interact with others and shape our world. By engaging with the ideas of Hannah Arendt and Ernest Becker, as well as borrowing from terror management theory (TMT) in social psychology, we hope to provoke thinking about how our conscious and unconscious approaches to evil and death impact education (and our lives).We hope to update this site regularly with new ideas and lessons, so keep checking back!
ISBN: 9781551954417
Other Identifiers: 6c625c02-3a51-44ac-a51e-089e29ac5e5a
Appears in Collections:Ontario OER Collection

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