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University 101 : Study, Strategize and Succeed

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dc.contributor.author Kwantlen Polytechnic University Learning Centres
dc.creator Kwantlen Polytechnic University Learning Centres
dc.date.accessioned 2018-10-24T14:57:53Z
dc.date.available 2018-10-24T14:57:53Z
dc.date.issued 2018-04-30
dc.identifier 8e6597a1-db53-40b9-959e-fd9c5432c52a
dc.identifier.uri https://openlibrary-repo.ecampusontario.ca/jspui/handle/123456789/518
dc.description.tableofcontents I. Learning in University: The Critical Skill of Metacognition
dc.description.tableofcontents II. Plan for Success: Knowing Yourself and Setting Goals
dc.description.tableofcontents III. Your First Week: Getting Organized and Finding Resources
dc.description.tableofcontents IV. Manage Your Time: Study Strategies for Busy Students
dc.description.tableofcontents V. Learn From Lectures and Texts
dc.description.tableofcontents VI. Study Smart � Use Powerful Strategies to Remember, Understand and Apply
dc.description.tableofcontents VII. Get Those Projects Done
dc.description.tableofcontents VIII. Get Ready for Exams
dc.description.tableofcontents IX. Evaluate and Move Ahead
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.publisher Kwantlen Polytechnic University
dc.relation.isformatof https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/studystrategizesucceed/
dc.relation.haspart Ancillary Resource: Worksheets|https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/studystrategizesucceed/back-matter/downloadable-worksheets/
dc.relation.haspart Ancillary Resource: Videos|https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl16DCjyjs_MOCACeWroHyA
dc.relation.haspart Ancillary Resource: Reading Texts - An Interactive Workshop|https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/readingtextsskillsworkshop/
dc.rights CC BY-SA | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ en_US
dc.subject Study Skills
dc.subject Time Management
dc.subject Goal Setting
dc.title University 101 : Study, Strategize and Succeed en_US
dc.type Book
dc.type Video
dc.type Learning object
dcterms.accessRights Open Access
dcterms.educationLevel University - Undergraduate
dc.date.updated 2018-10-24T14:57:53Z
dc.identifier.slug https://openlibrary.ecampusontario.ca/catalogue/item/?id=8e6597a1-db53-40b9-959e-fd9c5432c52a
dc.rights.holder Kwantlen Polytechnic University
ecO-OER.Adopted No
ecO-OER.AncillaryMaterial Yes
ecO-OER.InstitutionalAffiliation Kwantlen Polytechnic University en_US
ecO-OER.ISNI 0000 0000 9606 4172
ecO-OER.Reviewed No
ecO-OER.PageCount 114
ecO-OER.AccessibilityStatement Unknown
lrmi.learningResourceType Learning Resource - Reference Material
lrmi.learningResourceType Instructional Object - Teaching/Learning Strategy
lrmi.learningResourceType Instructional Object - Video Asset
lrmi.learningResourceType Educational Unit - Workshop/Training
ecO-OER.POD.compatible Yes
dc.description.abstract University 101: Study Strategize Succeed helps you to create a foundation for post-secondary studies by learning how to learn.  By taking the time to read this book and work through the exercises included, you are investing in the skills that will support you in all of your classes and future learning.  Successful students share a set of skills and habits in common.  The good news is that these skills are not a secret; anyone can learn the skills that support successful learning. By taking some time to learn proven study strategies, you will be able to reach your learning goals, and avoid the pitfalls that can take you off-track. en_US
dc.subject.other Support Resources - Learner Success
dc.subject.other Support Resources - Career Development
ecO-OER.ItemType Assessment
ecO-OER.ItemType Learning Resource
ecO-OER.MediaFormat eBook
ecO-OER.MediaFormat HTML/XML
ecO-OER.MediaFormat PDF

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