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Title: Organic and Biochemistry Supplement to Enhanced Introductory College Chemistry
Authors: Anderson, Gregory
Fahey, Caryn
Richards, Adrienne
Sullivan Sauer, Samantha
Wegman, David
Booth, Jen
Issue Date: 16-Feb-2024
Series/Report no.:
Abstract: Organic and Biochemistry Supplement to Enhanced Introductory College Chemistry is a collaboratively created textbook with Georgian College and Loyalist College. It is a continuation of the Enhanced Introductory College Chemistry textbook published in 2023. This book is designed to address most organic chemistry topics covered in an introductory or organic chemistry course in most program areas. Topics include identification, nomenclature, bonding, physical properties, chemical reactions and uses of the common major functional groups from alkanes and other hydrocarbon groups to alcohols and other oxygen containing groups to amides and amines. Additional topics include polymers, biochemistry and chromatography and spectroscopy. Each chapter contains examples, relevant images, embedded videos, exercises with answers, links to external interactive tools, glossary, and review practice questions with selected answers. A noted effort was made to include Indigenous examples to support chemistry learning as well as highlighting Spotlights on Everyday Chemistry. Resources to support Indigenization of chemistry and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in chemistry are provided in the front matter with links back to the first textbook. Accessibility of learning material was addressed through descriptive alt-text and screen reader supported text wherever possible. Additional resources of image banks for faculty are also available. Authors of this book will use portions of it for introductory and organic chemistry courses in Biotechnology, Environmental Science, College and Career Preparation and Pre-Health Science programs.
The views expressed in this publication are the views of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Ontario or the Ontario Online Learning Consortium (eCampusOntario).
Other Identifiers: 5423ccb3-431d-40b2-8f82-f5ebfdd8a8c1
Appears in Collections:Ontario OER Collection

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