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Re•Vision Story-Making

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dc.contributor.author Evans, Calla
dc.contributor.author Fowlie, Hannah
dc.contributor.author Jones, Chelsea
dc.contributor.author Lee, Lilith
dc.contributor.author Mundel, Ingrid
dc.contributor.author Rice, Carla
dc.contributor.other Bean, Sonny
dc.contributor.other Kerslake, Devon
dc.contributor.other Yoganathan, Kavya
dc.date.accessioned 2022-04-26T13:22:51Z
dc.date.available 2022-04-26T13:22:51Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier fc9e162f-11b8-4c16-aa0b-a2aaf01d5389
dc.identifier.uri https://openlibrary-repo.ecampusontario.ca/jspui/handle/123456789/1265
dc.description.sponsorship This project is made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.publisher Re•Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice, University of Guelph en_US
dc.relation.isformatof https://revisionstorymaking.ca/ en_US
dc.rights CC BY-NC-ND | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ en_US
dc.subject #DigitalStorytelling en_US
dc.subject #Art en_US
dc.subject #Vitality en_US
dc.subject #StoryMaking en_US
dc.title Re•Vision Story-Making en_US
dc.type Learning Object en_US
dcterms.accessRights Open Access en_US
dcterms.accessRights Open Access
dcterms.educationLevel Other en_US
dc.identifier.slug https://openlibrary.ecampusontario.ca/catalogue/item/?id=fc9e162f-11b8-4c16-aa0b-a2aaf01d5389
dc.rights.holder Re•Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice en_US
ecO-OER.Adopted No en_US
ecO-OER.AncillaryMaterial No en_US
ecO-OER.InstitutionalAffiliation University of Guelph en_US
ecO-OER.ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8198 en_US
ecO-OER.Reviewed No en_US
ecO-OER.AccessibilityStatement Yes en_US
ecO-OER.AccessibilityURI https://wave.webaim.org/report#/https://revisionstorymaking.ca/ en_US
ecO-OER.ORCID 0000-0001-7490-8749 en_US
ecO-OER.ORCID 0000-0003-3892-0534 en_US
ecO-OER.ORCID 0000-0002-1745-7467 en_US
ecO-OER.ORCID 0000-0001-7057-5860 en_US
ecO-OER.ORCID 0000-0003-4750-6669 en_US
ecO-OER.ORCID 0000-0003-0264-8962
lrmi.learningResourceType Educational Unit en_US
lrmi.learningResourceType Educational Unit - Workshop/Training en_US
lrmi.learningResourceType Interactive Activity en_US
lrmi.learningResourceType Interactive Activity - Participatory Learning en_US
ecO-OER.POD.compatible No en_US
dc.description.abstract Re•Vision Story-Making is an open access on-line story-making space for secondary and postsecondary instructors and researchers who want to engage with story in their teaching or arts-based research. Here you will be guided through the steps of Re•Vision’s story-making process, from brainstorming and focusing your story ideas to screening your story. Along the way you can engage with video tutorials on the specific technical elements of producing a multimedia story and/or do a deep dive into further reading on how storytelling can make change in our lives and our communities. This is a free and shareable tool. The Re•Vision Centre for Art and Social Justice at the University of Guelph is home to a number of research projects dedicated to exploring ways that a range of communities can use arts-informed research to advance social inclusion, well-being, and justice. en_US
dc.subject.other Art & Design en_US
dc.subject.other Humanities en_US
dc.subject.other Social Sciences en_US
dc.subject.other Technology en_US
ecO-OER.VLS.projectID BROC-1089 en_US
ecO-OER.VLS.Category Digital Fluency - Your Proposal for Digital Fluency Course en_US
ecO-OER.VLS Yes en_US
ecO-OER.ItemType Interactive Activity en_US
ecO-OER.ItemType Workshop/Training en_US
ecO-OER.MediaFormat HTML/XML en_US
ecO-OER.VLS.cvlpSupported No en_US

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