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Accommodations and Modifications

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dc.contributor.author Jones, Anne
dc.contributor.editor Jeethan, Anthony
dc.contributor.editor Zupan, Marla
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-18T18:06:10Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-18T18:06:10Z
dc.date.issued 2022-02-28
dc.identifier df97aeca-eff2-45ac-9a78-8fd767927e57
dc.identifier.uri https://openlibrary-repo.ecampusontario.ca/jspui/handle/123456789/1361
dc.description.sponsorship This project is made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.publisher Department of Professional Development in Education, Lakehead University en_US
dc.relation.isformatof https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX19X0J0DGEoOVFmbsc_CjA en_US
dc.rights CC BY | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ en_US
dc.subject #StudentSpecific en_US
dc.subject #ClosedCaptioning en_US
dc.subject #Manipulatives en_US
dc.title Accommodations and Modifications en_US
dc.type Video en_US
dcterms.accessRights Open Access en_US
dcterms.accessRights Open Access
dcterms.educationLevel University - Undergraduate en_US
dcterms.educationLevel University - Graduate & Post-Graduate en_US
dcterms.educationLevel Adult and Continuing Education en_US
dc.identifier.slug https://openlibrary.ecampusontario.ca/catalogue/item/?id=df97aeca-eff2-45ac-9a78-8fd767927e57
dc.rights.holder Lakehead University en_US
ecO-OER.Adopted No en_US
ecO-OER.AncillaryMaterial No en_US
ecO-OER.InstitutionalAffiliation Lakehead University en_US
ecO-OER.ISNI 0000 0001 0687 7127 en_US
ecO-OER.Reviewed No en_US
ecO-OER.AccessibilityStatement No en_US
lrmi.learningResourceType Instructional Object en_US
lrmi.learningResourceType Instructional Object - Teaching/Learning Strategy en_US
lrmi.learningResourceType Learning Resource en_US
ecO-OER.POD.compatible No en_US
dc.description.abstract The Educators in Focus series features more than 50 instructional videos made by Ontario educators for Ontario educators as a way to inform their professional development, discover new strategies and implement innovative pedagogical practices. In this video, Ontario educator Anne Jones explains the difference between accommodating students and modifying curriculum expectations for students. The Educators in Focus series features more than 50 instructional videos made by Ontario educators for Ontario educators as a way to inform their professional development, discover new strategies and implement innovative pedagogical practices. en_US
dc.subject.other Public Services en_US
dc.subject.other Public Services - Education en_US
ecO-OER.VLS.projectID LAKE-723 en_US
ecO-OER.VLS.Category Digital Content - Create a New Open Educational Resource (OER) en_US
ecO-OER.VLS Yes en_US
ecO-OER.ItemType Instructional Object en_US
ecO-OER.ItemType Learning Resource en_US
ecO-OER.MediaFormat Text en_US
ecO-OER.MediaFormat Video en_US
ecO-OER.MediaFormat Other en_US
ecO-OER.VLS.cvlpSupported No en_US

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