Ontario OER Collection: Recent submissions

  • Mensink, Paul; Briona, Lisa; Decoito, Isha (2023-02-28)
    The development of science education within our post-secondary institutions, including broadly building scientific literacy and inquiry for the purposes of creating well-rounded citizens, is of critical importance for both ...
  • Chen, Ruth (2023)
    Faculty Promotion and Progression – overview of primary components of the tenure, permanence and promotion process for tenure-track, teaching-track, and clinical faculty, Program for Health Professional Educators in ...
  • Krasznai, Andrea (2023-03-03)
    Cette REL sert d'outil aux professeur.e.s pour leur permettre d'être agiles en entrant dans l'espace de l'apprentissage par l'expérience. Cette REL fournira d’abord un contexte sur le Consortium de l’apprentissage expérientiel ...
  • Krasznai, Andrea (2023-03-03)
    This OER serves as a tool for educators to enable them to be agile in entering the experiential learning space. It will first provide context on the Consortium de l’apprentissage expérientiel francophone de l’Ontario ...
  • Belozerov, Kyle; Jackson, Derek; Clapperton, Abigail (2023-02-28)
    The central theme of every (bio)chemistry course is how the three-dimensional (3D) structure of macromolecules determines their biological function. The traditional approach to learning these concepts relies on static or ...
  • Foster, Julia; Lysaght, Rosemary (2023)
    “Increasing Accessibility in Healthcare Service Delivery for Persons with Vision Loss” is a series of modules and supplementary resources created for an audience of healthcare students, workers, and clinicians. However, ...
  • Sullivan, Kelly; Stefanidis, Mary; Andrews, Amanda; Jairam, Cynthia; Jardim, Mariana; Kim-Newman, Tammy; Lappano, Steven; Maharaj, Sischa; McLeish-Diaz, Leesa; Ramirez, Charmaine; Stabenow, Annicka (University of Toronto, 2023)
    Recruiting and retaining diverse talent is key to developing and maintaining inclusive, successful and impactful workplaces and a responsive and thriving labour market. To support Indigenous and equity-deserving students ...
  • Anderson, Gregory; MacDonald, Jackie; Richards, Adrienne; Sullivan Sauer, Samantha; van Haarlem, J.R.; Wegman, David (2023-02-28)
    Enhanced Introductory College Chemistry is a collaboratively created textbook with Georgian College, Loyalist College and Conestoga College supported by a VLS grant from eCampus Ontario. It is designed to address most ...
  • Prendergast, Nadia; Lapum, Jennifer; Bailey, Annette; Boakye, Priscilla; Myrie, Zeneth; Pingal, Karen; Adegbola, Adedayo; Andrew, Alexis; Savicevic, Nada; Cosgrove, Caitlin; Garmaise-Yee, Joy; Awal, Fabliha; Ranieri, Victoria; Barakati, Seyedeh-Samin; Callahan, Sheilagh; Onwudegwu, Ava; MacEachern, Diane (2023-02-15)
    An Introduction to Anti-Racism for the Nursing Professional: A Focus on Anti-Black Racism” is an open educational resource (OER) created for undergraduate nursing students at the introductory level. Educators co-curated ...
  • Méthot, Nathalie; Béguet, Véronique (2023-02-27)
    Ce module s’adresse à toute personne qui s’intéresse à la mobilisation des connaissances, en particulier à la recherche collaborative et à l’approche de coconstruction des connaissances. Ce module va vous initier à cette ...
  • Archibald, Douglas; Puncher, Jeffrey; Venables, Maddie; Duval, Marisa; Howes, Daniel; MacKay, Natalka; Waldron, Michael; Kilby, David; Beare, Richard (Department of Family Medicine, University of Ottawa, 2023-02-23)
    The University of Ottawa, Department of Family Medicine (DFM) has created a prototype (version 1.0) virtual reality (VR) psychoeducational experience for learning about stress management, supported by eCampusOntario Project ...
  • Chea, Visal; Maknyik, Amanda; Perras, Tyler; Wakelin, Tanya; Driscoll, Danelle (2023-02-27)
    Have you ever wanted to incorporate the science of learning into your courses? Do you wish there were more customizable interactive tools in your LMS? Academic Success Strategies in a Virtual Environment, part of Virtual ...
  • Ervine, Craig (Centre of Leadership Learning and Academic Excellence, Loyalist College, 2023-02-28)
    This OER Canadian Business Law textbook has been developed to provide a comprehensive and accessible overview of the legal framework and the laws that govern businesses in Canada. It covers the fundamentals of Canadian ...
  • O'Neill, Lisa (eCampusOntario, 2023-03-01)
    The Encouraging Faculty Development Through Micro-Credentialing project, that this open text shares findings from, proposes to positively impact the support provided to university faculty, through a reward and recognition ...
  • Banks, Laura; Balogh, Robert; Cole, Adam; Lemonde, Manon; Nonoyama, Mika; Partosoedarso, Elita; Qadri, Syed; Sanchez, Otto; Kay, Robin; Stokes, Sarah; West, Sarah; Chiu, Mary; Zhu, Lynn (2023)
    In 2020, our team of six (6) faculty collaborators Ontario Tech University received a Teaching Innovation Fund (TIF) grant to develop a multi-course approach to case-based learning in the health sciences. In 2022, we were ...
  • Tunstall, Elizabeth (Dori) (School of Continuing Studies, OCAD University, 2023-02)
    This virtual educational resources was developed as a course reader for the micro-credential, Hiring for Decolonization, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Creative Industries offered by the School of Continuing Studies at ...
  • Tunstall, Elizabeth (Dori) (School of Continuing Studies, OCAD University, 2023)
    This virtual educational resources was developed as a course reader for the micro-credential, Hiring for Decolonization, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Creative Industries offered by the School of Continuing Studies at ...
  • Gill, Nadia; Marie, Rame (University of Windsor, 2023-01-24)
    The ADHDe Project is a student-led initiative that promotes inclusion and respect for university students who identify as neurodiverse. This project was created to destigmatize ADHD and neurodiversity on campus, provide ...
  • Research and Foresight eCampusOntario (eCampusOntario, 2022-12-02)
    Ce rapport explore la manière dont les équipes de projet de la Stratégie d’apprentissage virtuel tirent parti de leur réseau de cocréateurs pour concevoir des expériences et des ressouces d’apprentissage numérique inclusive, ...
  • Research and Foresight eCampusOntario (eCampusOntario, 2022-12-02)
    This report explores the ways in which Virtual Learning Strategy project teams are leveraging their network of co-creators as they design inclusive, flexible, and innovative digital learning experiences and resources. ...

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